A week later, however, the newspaper announced that the author had withdrawn the pieces with the expectation they would be printed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Mr. Jory, perhaps rashly, has guaranteed production in next year's festival, unless the author withdraws the work.
Subsequently, the author withdrew from having his work published and remained silent for a decade.
It is no real answer to say that authors could withdraw the article and resubmit elsewhere, as the chosen journal may be the most appropriate one.
That's why those other authors withdrew, and if it happened to one of them, I would have done the same thing.
But soon after, the author withdrew even that remark, leaving Mr. Rosset fuming.
I therefore ask that the author of these remarks and these actions apologise or withdraw her remarks.
The author of an amendment can withdraw it and, if no one takes it over, it stands withdrawn.
In at least one case, an author has withdrawn a submission and rescinded distribution permission on it.