The Guardian also printed the story, but the article's author suspected it to be an April Fools' Day prank.
It's as if the author suspected her readers had zero tolerance for ambiguity - which, given a broad sampling of popular culture, may be a fair assumption.
These people may not be working as late or are perhaps less stressed and sleeping better at night, the authors suspect.
However, the authors suspected that their patient was already genetically predisposed to schizophrenia.
When a scurrilous satire of Rousseau's morose wallowing made the rounds, the thin-skinned author suspected Hume's involvement.
Though Hippolytus suspected that Alcibiades was himself the author.
The study confirmed what its three authors - marriage and family therapists from Brigham Young University and the University of Nebraska - suspected.
He tried the Library of Congress, where Mr. Michener's personal papers are filed and where the author suspected the manuscript would be.
The authors suspect that this is a corollary of the size issue, since newer funds tend to be smaller.
The authors suspected that altering the anterior temporal lobes might do the trick.