In those works the authors strove to establish a dialect that would qualify for becoming the Italian national language.
The authors strive relentlessly for wit and too often end up sounding smart-alecky or even offensive.
The author strived to accurately depict English life in the 11th century.
The author of this biography, his son, strives to restore the balance by relating Taylor's life in broader perspective.
It means the author is striving to give an appearance of sophistication of construction.
Most authors strive to eliminate mistakes, but Baker appears to believe that problems can be solved simply by admitting they exist.
The authors strive not to overstate their thesis, and one contributor warns against literal-minded efforts to translate these ideas into action.
He was not the indecisive man many of his contemporaries accused him of being, the author strives to show repeatedly.
The author strives for humorous effect, and often succeeds.
It is not for lack of trying: the authors each strive valiantly to peer ahead, to find an answer.