The author had set an old Sicilian jar in the middle of a bare, round table.
In 1919, the author, then just 11, set sail with her sister for the dank, crowded little country their parents insisted they call "home."
That is, author of fiction set prior to the original 1977 movie Star Wars.
The authors set forth stereotypes we're now familiar with.
With that challenge in mind, the authors set out to rethink and repackage the Democratic agenda.
Also discusses the progression of formal and structural challenges the author has set for himself during his career.
Beside this deliberate, purposive teaching the author has set a second kind of education which is just as moving and as important to the story.
Yet, again drawing on his personal background, the author sets the story on a modern high-tech Navy base.
In literature an author sets the tone through words.
The author set himself an impossible task in trying to humanize a hit man.