Unicode has responded to these needs by assigning variation selectors so that authors can select grapheme variations of particular ideographs (or even other characters).
The author, for example, selects a proper place for the narrative and, next to it, puts all its versions.
(Ages 12 and up) Every once in a while, some author selects subject matter for a book that makes me wish I'd thought of it first.
When you put it that way, why would an author select a golf club weapon for Lizbeth?
When the author randomly selected 900 San Francisco women for interviews, she found that 16 percent had been incestuously abused, nearly a third by their fathers.
The author, Andreas Nolte, has selected poems from every phase of the poet's life.
The authors selected 10 traits which are most important in psychological research and for diagnostic purposes.
The author of a Heian-era nikki selected what to include, expand, or exclude.
Both were published in deluxe editions bound in a flowered chintz of scattered pansies the author selected.
(The date that the author selected is plainly Orwellian.)