While certain authors reference camlets as originally being made of camel hair, others believe it is from the Arabic seil el kemel, the Angora goat.
Since the introduction of the stargate on the big screen other authors have referenced the stargate device.
He also ranked seventh on GameDaily's top 10 ugliest game characters list; the authors referenced his snarling smile, moustache, and outfits.
In another case, the author referenced a historical incident that Heyer had invented in an earlier novel.
An author contributing an article to the Journal may reference the work of other authors in an article.
The renowned author and critic Susan Sontag referenced the film in her 1977 collection of essays On Photography.
In turn, authors reference social skills as human relations aptitudes considered critical in interpersonal communication.
The author also referenced aspects of Chinese culture when creating Outlaw Star.
The author did not always reference real events, but parallelisms.
An author called Skyy additionally referenced the song in a book of collected short-stories titled "Choices".