Even a French author of some distinction praises this address as something sublime.
The authors praise Miliband's proposal to cut university tuition fees from £9,000 to £6,000.
Several other authors have also praised Hearne's first book.
By contrast, the author praises Jimmy Carter because of his emphasis on human rights at home and abroad.
Mayhew's other major authors almost uniformly praise her editorial attentions.
The authors also praised Krusty's "ponytail and black sweater" look.
These authors praised him for publishing their books and accused him of taking most of the profits.
The authors of the statement said its purpose was not to influence the decision on the Pulitzer, but simply to praise a deserving writer.
Since then many world famous authors have praised War and Peace as a masterpiece of the world literature.
And the authors rightly praise its long-term approach.