Danish author and Andersen specialist Johannes Møllehave opined that the tale could have been written by any bright 15-year-old and that it displayed nothing of Andersen's later virtuosity.
Several authors have opined that upliftment of the Aravallis led to the westward migration of Saraswati River system due to fault-controlled movements.
The author of a Hand-book to Obstetrics (1908) opined:
He came to the following conclusion: "Kaspar Hauser was, as other authors already opined, a pathological swindler.
While David Kunzle, author of the book Che Guevara: Icon, Myth, and Message, has opined that "The beret functions subliminally as a flattened halo."
The author opines that royalty who fight like that should be punished.
The article's author opined: "Though traditionalists may shudder at the thought, it was inevitable that such a stat-happy pursuit as baseball would plug into a data bank.
The author opined that his father Peter's breakup with Leanne would have been "much more tedious" without Simon's performance.
Galerina sulciceps is deadly poisonous; one author opines it to be "perhaps the most toxic mushroom known to man", while later studies of toxin concentrations in amanitin-containing mushrooms corroborate this view.
A distinguished author had opined as under: "A monk or nun cannot acquire or have any proprietary rights.