Quinn is the author of several books and films about Picasso.
Olivier Weber is the author, director and screenwriter of several films for television and theater, in particular on travels and on writers.
He began to publish his works in 1991 and started his professional activity as author of TV reports, programmes and films.
Lars Robert Trodson (October 11, 1959) is an American author of films, plays and novels.
He is the author of several short films, of which Valuri ("Waves", 2007), the most well-known, has received numerous prizes.
As an author of short films, Kamen Kalev participated in numerous movie competitions and film festivals, earning some international recognition.
Karpov was the author of numerous films, including:
Vitaly Peskov is the author of several animated films (director & artist filmography):
She is author of books and producer of films to guide in prevention and remediation of learning problems.
He had one daughter - Łucja Mróz-Raynoch, also an artist, author of animated short films and a graphic designer.