I hope more and more authors ignore the publishers and self-publish themselves.
The author does not ignore the subtle crosscurrents of history or deny the importance of personalities.
The author is simply ignoring everything that makes modern life in western democracies different from life in the stone age.
For one thing, the authors ignore the fact that brains not only observe nature, but also are part of nature.
Here is what this author ignores: 1.
Sometimes it is difficult to guess whether authors intentionally ignored a highly relevant cite or lacked knowledge of the prior work.
More complex installed programs make system changes that the authors forget, ignore or are not aware of.
Although the authors don't ignore the role of performers in the history of 20th-century dance, for me there is an overemphasis on the choreographer.
But this does not mean that the author ignores such issues.
The authors ignore the exquisitely difficult problem of organizing a salvage under intense pressure.