To aid victims of childhood abuse, the author highlights a treatment used for post traumatic stress disorder.
Thus, there are a number of conflicting perspectives about it, because different authors highlight different aspects.
The author highlights the revolutionary ideals that are the foundation of the history and traditions of the American people.
The authors therefore highlight five strategic circumstances companies commonly face that often require business model change:
The authors highlight how the process of medical science can go awry, to the patients' ultimate detriment.
The manual is easy to use overall, with the authors highlighting essential information in boxes throughout the manual.
The authors highlight several variables which can be used to describe the characteristics of press systems:
The author also highlights the fact that little was done in the way of attracting commuters on to the railway.
Throughout the book, the author highlights the paradoxes and ambiguities of life.
The author highlighted the unique nature of this valley, the language of its people and the need for further research.