If the author conducted even some basic research into the issues, he might realise this, the facts don't lie...
The program was made up of Paliashvili's works and the author conducted the orchestra.
Authors' contributions The author conceived and conducted the study.
A successful author can't conduct all his business through the post.
Several authors have conducted studies on the number of Palestinian localities that were abandoned, evacuated and/or destroyed during the 1947-1949 period.
The author conducted interviews with members, and provides analysis about certain practices.
The point of view on offer is almost always that of Powell himself, with whom the author conducted half a dozen interviews.
The authors, a psychology professor at the University of Massachusetts and graduate student, did not conduct original research or studies with children.
The authors of the new study conducted several focus groups with network administrators to identify likely sources of problems for users.
As wrote newspapers, an author conducted a few months on Cuba and now works above the series of pictures.