He said the authors collaborated on their last major revision before Sept. 11, 2001, working with editorial staff members in Boston.
Still, it's too bad the authors didn't collaborate, because taken together, the more than 800 pages they have produced add up to a fascinating character study.
The two authors have collaborated before in Good Omens, and sometimes make reference to each other's works.
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Written shortly after his first novel was published, the author also collaborated with his wife on certain scenes.
After that date, other authors collaborated with Charteris on books until 1983; two additional works produced without Charteris's participation were published in 1997.
The authors collaborated on four more editions, the last in 1984.
(The author collaborated with Nicholas de Lange on the translation.)
Shared universe, for when authors collaborate in a setting rather than a particular storyline.
The system enables academic authors and professional editors to collaborate on articles in real time.