The only thing that the authors calculate could fit into this uncomfortably close orbital configuration is a carbon white dwarf.
Its authors calculate how strongly correlated two systems can be based purely on information theory.
The authors calculated an overall mortality rate of 1.4 per 1,000,000.
The authors calculate that red and blue have reached what might be an awkward stage in their inward spiral.
The author of the report calculated the monthly costs for the components of various systems, such as storage and client software.
The authors calculated that New Yorkers on average paid $5,676 in federal taxes in the 1998 fiscal year.
The authors calculated three different measures of complexity, but none had any bearing on the uniqueness of the calls.
In it, the authors calculate various impacts of different forms of livestock.
The authors calculate their false positive rate at only one for every 100,000 kilobases.
Additionally, the authors calculate an approximation ratio for their algorithm.