The author also alludes to the Jim Crow laws that were in standard practice in the Southern United States from 1876 to around 1965.
The title of the book refers to the song "Pennies from Heaven", and the author alludes to the song several times.
The author of the pamphlet alluded to by Brewster, mentions it, but acknowledges his inability to account for it.
I think the author was alluding to being force fed the dubious merits of multi culturalism.
The author wrote in the same style and alluded to Marlowe several times.
I suspect that if there were something amazing in the scheme the author would've alluded to it.
The author alluded his protagonist's nature and heritage to the Minotaur, the half-man and half-bull creature.
The author also alludes to one's ability to build upon life rather than mere acceptance.
The author also alludes in passing to the idea that advanced people are should be more perceptive and need to say less to communicate more, as Ron does.
I mean I've read it, but I just don't understand what the author is alluding to when he mentions: