A more authentic tradition, aided by the geography of the country, places the pit in Dothan, some two days' journey from here.
During its existence it became the cultural center of the village preserving its authentic traditions.
Respect for a healthy secularity - including the pluralism of political opinions - is essential in the authentic Christian tradition.
The former animal symbolizes the human soul in authentic Japanese tradition, the latter has no consistent significance.
It reminds you of an age when we had an authentic radical tradition instead of today's milksoppy "liberalism."
One longs to tell the talented chef to cut loose, in the authentic, generous Mexican tradition.
The cult replicated the authentic traditions of Lavongai culture.
They felt that the other local runs had gotten too rowdy and lost too much of their authentic traditions.
Mr. Villella is able to combine a very authentic classical tradition with an invigorating "new look."
He had no intention of collecting all the authentic traditions.