A small number of films available today contain authentic recreations of Minstrel show numbers and routines.
In an authentic recreation of Toyko's "Sin City District", four men chose paths over beautiful women and a dead man.
Vintage dance is the authentic recreation of historical dance styles.
When completed in the 2020s, it should be an authentic recreation of a 13th century medieval castle.
Rather than attempting authentic recreations with masks and so forth, this series aims for an "indeterminate feel" in setting and costuming.
"Every tent on the grounds is an authentic recreation of the canvas tents not used or seen since the 1940s."
Opened in 1963, on a former Powell family farm, the restoration is an authentic recreation of a mid-19th century Long Island village.
An authentic recreation of an 18th-century garden is on the grounds behind the house.
Or rather, it is all an authentic recreation with just a handful of original period pieces.
The movie was filmed in south-east Queensland, Australia utilising a huge, authentic recreation of a prisoner of war camp.