According to the tour guides, it is the only authentic reconstruction of American Indian dwellings and way of life in the United States.
"A completely authentic reconstruction of anything would starve to death, Joseph," Doctor Fritz Otto said.
Callahan has also championed authentic and scientific reconstructions, which he defined in his article What is Experimental Archaeology?
This is a problem of authentic reconstruction - what should remain?
Brinkburn Priory, an authentic reconstruction of a medieval monastery church, was used for the episode "The Archbishop".
In 1966, the English National Opera unveiled a more authentic reconstruction.
Mr. Binkley was a pioneer in researching medieval performance practices and presenting authentic reconstructions of early liturgical music.
Because of his great attention to detail, his paintings were treated by contemporaries as authentic historical reconstructions.
To ensure an authentic reconstruction the wood was finished by hand and the construction used hand-made nails and hardware.
The building is an authentic reconstruction of the original.