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But here before the hometown crowd, a sentiment that could seem softhearted on the radio seemed to carry authentic feeling.
And, as a South Carolina native, he captures an authentic feeling of the region.
They have nothing, save the authentic feeling that their situation, as young middle class Israelis, is terrible, unfair, crying out for change.
Weizenbaum explains that we require authentic feelings of empathy from people in these positions.
He expresses authentic feelings while I wonder about his hidden purpose in wanting to see me.
That's why he wants to form a leading class that has an authentic Peruvian feeling.
The expression of authentic feelings was the key of her success through many films.
However Ms. Smith wanted to keep the "authentic feeling of what it was like on the air."
The grinding dialogue sabotages any authentic feeling that the film might have hoped to generate.
She did so, she says, "because meeting these people gave me and I think everybody in the company an authentic feeling.