But he has promised there will be no further austerity packages this year.
Of those, 9 were expelled for voting against austerity packages, and 3 left voluntarily.
Political leaders here are poised to announce a $20 billion austerity package that should bring down spending and raise revenue.
What happens if he can't get the austerity package through parliament?
If the proper democratic process were to assert itself, it would be active against the very austerity package he is trying to push through.
But for removing most of the items which would have given quick savings from the austerity package.
If given the opportunity, would the Greek people endorse this sort of austerity package?
Meanwhile, other international media have questioned the necessity of a second austerity package, when the first one brought in no results.
One, we will have the austerity package in place, much to the chagrin and pain of our citizens.
A conservative party takes over government with a large majority and an austerity package.