The main thing was perception, visual and aural, checking out the woman and assessing what she had to say.
The parallel between aural and visual perception reaches even further.
"It's fun to enter people's aural perceptions," she said.
In contrast to aural perception, audiation takes place when music is mentally heard and understood when the physical sound is no longer present (or never has been).
Either way, you may emerge with a clearer understanding of space, aural perception and the ways and means of post-Cageian music.
Yet there was the tingling perception, neither aural nor visual, that overwhelms in the swoon before an anesthetic whips away consciousness.
Musical skills are refined and supported with additional lessons in music theory and aural perception.
This provides an important cue for the aural perception of space.
Dr. Hayslett's research that investigates aural perception, selective attention, movement training, and conducting pedagogy has been published in numerous educational journals.
However, due to the logarithmic nature of human aural perception, this 3 dB change is perceived as only a small change in the noise level.