Another study showed that rats reared in a single tone environment during critical periods of development had permanently impaired auditory processing.
The planum temporale is a structure found on both sides of the brain and is involved in auditory processing.
As expected, this helps with the tasks on which the individuals are instructed, but ultimately results in weakening of auditory processing and memory circuits.
It is involved in auditory processing.
The region encompasses most of the lateral temporal cortex, a region believed to play a part in auditory processing and language.
The inferior colliculus is involved in auditory processing.
It is common for individuals to have difficulty with visual and/or auditory processing.
Instant messaging opens new methods of spontaneous communication for people that have an impairment in hearing, auditory processing, or speech.
This deficit does not result from impairments in auditory processing or in speech production.
But until now, most researchers overlooked the possibility that differences in auditory processing originated in the ear.