The sports complex adjacent to the stadium is a modern training field with synthetic surface and a mini auditorium space.
The auditorium space was later converted into an auto showroom.
The largest auditorium space now holds 335 and the smallest, 91.
The auditorium space was converted into lab, classroom, and office space.
A unique feature within the auditorium space is the two overhead roll-up doors, which remain intact.
These doors allow the central auditorium space to triple in size by connecting to the adjacent classrooms.
In addition, Sutherland students got a new library which was constructed in the old auditorium space.
The first floor of the building has numerous offices, classrooms, auditorium spaces, a snack stop, and a Starbucks.
However, due to two large columns in the auditorium space, the size of the screen was limited.
In December 2009 the cinema underwent its third major refurbishment, the main change being the addition of a full size bar within the auditorium space.