Legal auditors conduct a detailed analysis of original time records, attorney work production, expenses and hourly rate benchmarks.
However, some national governments require agencies, departments and branches to periodically retain outside auditors to conduct them.
Last September, as part of a routine examination, internal auditors at Kidder conducted a thorough review of the government trading desk.
The New York Times Company's auditors select a few of the agencies and conduct more careful inspections.
In the case of contradictions between other sources of evidence and management representations, the auditor should conduct further investigations.
Auditing is said to be successful only when the auditor conducts himself in accordance with the Code.
The GAO's auditors conduct not only financial audits, but also engage in a wide assortment of performance audits.
This guide is intended to help auditors conduct more Objectives focused reviews of information technology acquisitions by enabling them to quickly identify significant areas of risk.
Therefore, auditors should plan for the appropriate issuance of the report and conduct the audit with these goals in mind.
After a 90-day survey of the agency's operations, he said, auditors will conduct a more detailed review.