Movies are treated separately by the law as part of the category "audiovisual works".
Norwaco is a union for rights holders in audiovisual works in Norway.
We urgently need to have audiovisual works distributed in every country in Europe.
The digital revolution will open up many new ways of exploiting audiovisual works: video on demand via the Internet, for example.
The problem is defining the scope of audiovisual works.
Literary works will be joined by technical, legal, journalistic and also audiovisual works.
Europe's small share in the worldwide circulation of audiovisual works is a significant example of this.
Indeed, it provides an appropriate framework with which to improve the competitiveness and transnational distribution of audiovisual works worldwide.
We also want rights for those who have created audiovisual works.
They usually have an educational aim, introducing new audiences to different audiovisual works through an organized and prepared program of screenings.