The target groups are the many different players of the audiovisual industries:
This runs until 2013 and supports Europe's audiovisual industries.
And the audiovisual industry is an employment sector, employing 950,000 people.
Above all, moreover, it wishes to promote the development of the European audiovisual industry.
The audiovisual industry is one of the most rapidly growing sectors in Europe.
Anything less would be to betray our audiovisual industry and the jobs that it can create.
Europe's audiovisual industry must develop and improve in order to protect itself against Americanization, but it will not do so by means of quotas.
But they are also essential for economic reasons: in the next ten years, two million jobs will be at stake in the audiovisual industry.
We have to look at why the audiovisual industry is so important and the rapporteur has brought this to the fore.
The focus is on professional hands-on training designed for international careers in the world's rapidly growing audiovisual and media industry.