This fundamental shift in technology totally changed how we handle visual and audio information - it completely redefined what is possible.
Given bandwidth enough, and time, the Internet will distribute high-quality audio information along with words and pictures.
The six channels of audio information can thus be sent to the amplifier by several different methods:
Clipping destroys any audio information which is over a certain threshold.
Nixon noted that any audio pertinent to national security information could be redacted from the released tapes.
Tracks can be audio information or data, which use the same format, or video information.
Unlike intensity stereo, this process does not discard any audio information.
Nixon cited the fact that any audio pertinent to national security information would have to be redacted from the released tapes.
A pre-recorded male voice delivers audio information and warnings.
Extra equipment, such as a handset to privately communicate audio information, raises the unit cost of production.