Make audio connections as for an audio dub (see page 81)
In general, you will need to pick one type of video connection, and one type of audio connection for your system.
They can converse via chat-window, an audio connection, or a webcam connection.
An indicator showed that the audio connection was still in place.
On occasions where two hearings/meetings are taking place at the same time, the audio connection to the auxiliary hearing room, 1302 Longworth House Office Building, will also be used.
In addition to the audio connections being internal, the components are designed to work with each other.
Plug and Play receivers: The receiver snaps into a base unit, which provides power, antenna, and audio connections.
Note: There is no audio connection to web chat, and no broadcast capability.
But the audio connection was faulty, and Mr. Dinkins was forced to wait for more than half an hour as technicians struggled to correct the problem.
Each ballroom has facilities for wireless internet, audio connections, custom lighting, and video projection.