Moore saw the character as a "blank slate", and felt he was a character the audience could really root for.
Over time, Erica evolved into a "heroine-vixen" who still did bad things, but was also a character the audience rooted for.
Suddenly, the audience is rooting for a bunch of car thieves, young men clearly driving off to destruction.
And there was a palpable sense all evening that the audience was rooting for them.
The audience rooted for him as he related his tale .
Here's a girl who's essentially at death's door, but she gives her such vitality that an audience is rooting for her the entire time.
Enright believed they needed to find heroes and villains-contestants the audience would either root for or root against.
This time, though the hall was not full, the audience was rooting for him.
And the audience is always rooting for you.
But watching Walter's bedtime wheezing, audiences instinctively root for her to escape and find the lonely young widower she heard on a radio talk show.