Sheikh Arif as Shakti is an audience pleaser and a money launderer.
Despite its formal interest as a throwback to the Baroque concerto grosso style, Spohr's piece is not a great audience pleaser.
Introduced in 1930 by a boat ride operator hoping for an audience pleaser, the animals are now thought to carry the herpes B virus.
That may be part of the reason "The Full Monty" has been such an audience pleaser since it began life as a 1997 British film.
Of course, Mark Little is an audience pleaser too.
Balanchine explores a dance form and a culture in his "Vienna Waltzes," at the same time creating a lavish audience pleaser.
It's an old one, but that means it's a proven audience pleaser.
Yet the story was also a great audience pleaser, because it offered opportunities for magic tricks at the expense of authority figures like the Emperor.
But the voters decided to go with this streamlined audience pleaser over Martin McDonagh's scalding comedy.
Michael John is not an audience pleaser.