In a tumultuous meeting here, the audience shouted and hooted, one legislator wept and votes changed at the last minute.
Their audience hooted with laughter, considering it a well-planned act.
The audience hooted and splashed down more beer.
The audience hooted, said things against Mr. Dark's bad manners which made him turn away for a moment, damning himself, silently.
The audience was delighted with the show, and hooted at every insult while the culprits tried physically to shrink themselves into insignificance.
Although the dance was still in its languid opening phase, the mostly male audience was already hooting encouragement.
The audience hoots its lusty agreement.
He was not at all fazed, however, when the audience hooted and clapped as Micaela leaned over to plant a chaste kiss on his cheek.
The audience gave her a standing ovation and hooted noisily for an encore.
Though the audience is hooting with laughter, Miss Fozzard doesn't see the joke, God bless her.