Before recording technology, composers would probably have laughed at the notion of writing only 75 minutes a year, and audiences craved premieres.
The audiences crave a taste of Broadway extravagance, as do the actors, the set builders and even the ushers.
If it's the comforts of home this audience craves, Woodstock might well be for them.
As if aware that the audience craved magic, everyone danced wholeheartedly.
Meanwhile, you're told constantly that audiences crave the unpredictable, and you're shown the statistics to prove it.
Like other television advice providers and entertainers, they give the audience what the audience craves.
Mr. Tenenbom makes no effort to answer these questions, and occasionally the audience craves context.
That youngster knows what the audience craves and, by gum, he gonna give it to 'em.
Fifty minutes later, she stood alone in the wings, contemplating what the audience craved.
When introduc'd, our presents first we bring, Then crave an instant audience from the king.