If the artist is a crowd favorite, the audience cheers or dances and this in a way decides the fate.
The audience cheers wildly, including their loved ones, and George's children respect him at last.
The audience cheers turn silent and then turn into laughs.
The video ends with the singer laughing while the audience cheers and claps for her performance.
While embarrassed and shy at first, she eventually really gets into dancing and the audience cheers her on.
It was described by the Judges as having music, drama, and timely sound effects that made the audience cheer.
There's a scene in the movie where Halle slaps me, and the audience cheers like, somebody finally slapped him for all those years.
Later games would go further by replacing music during gameplay with audience cheers.
The audience cheers at this, to the surprise of the two and Bugs suggests to try again, which gets the same audience response.
The hero shows up the villain in some humiliating way and the audience cheers.