No-rule competitions often involve some degree of audience approval judging.
There will still be plenty of Americans with issuuuuuuues, but having an identification figure is a cheap and lazy way to guarantee audience approval.
But you cannot get that audience approval that virtually forces everyone in the room to laugh.
The gesture met with audience approval but caused a minor controversy with the media.
At a black church in Cincinnati last week, the audience mmm-hmmm-ed approval throughout her speech.
During the performance, Eminem abused a mock-up doll of her on stage to audience approval.
Two of the remaining candidates squared off in a stand-up competition to win audience approval and another week in the house.
What these warm-up specialists do say must, in the long run, serve the show they're working for, rather than their own desire for audience approval.
CinemaScore polls, however, reflect solid audience approval with a B+ average grade.
While such a situation can still happen, the title also has a stipulation regarding audience approval during the match.