He was rewarded with excited shrieks and screams of approval after the show, as he walked down the runway, which was lined with models wearing his flower-strewn, audacious styles.
Critics remember his unrelenting perfectionism (some say meanness) and his audacious style, which "typified the make-way-for-youth spirit of the era" (Arlene Croce, The New Yorker ).
However, the film is remembered today chiefly for Mamoulian's audacious style.
It started a series of this never-conforming and audacious style.
In 2008 he contributed an artwork piece which made light of depression and self-harm which highlighted his often audacious style, however this drew public criticism.
Two years ago, when he opened his couture house, he set the fashion world on fire with his zingy, audacious styles.
What Mr. Springer evidently learned is that talent has diverse uses: the amiably audacious style that worked for the local campaigner has worked in a big way for the television performer.
By the mid-1910s, Monet had achieved a completely new, fluid, and somewhat audacious style of painting in which the water-lily pond became the point of departure for an almost abstract art.
He gained admirers for his audacious style of play and battling qualities.
Anna Castelli Ferrieri, a pioneering architect associated with the postwar period of Italian modern design, known for its embrace of technological innovation and audacious style, died on Thursday at her home in Milan.