In 2004 Sir Philip launched his most audacious bid yet: for Marks & Spencer.
For Cameron, this coalition is the culmination of an audacious bid to reshape the centre ground of British politics as liberal, and claim it as his home turf.
And if defeated, objectors may consider an audacious bid to buy Clairville Common in Middlesbrough.
If completed, the audacious bid would arguably make Mr. Davis the most powerful executive in the industry.
In 2011, Rickers announced that he would launch an audacious bid to set the Guinness World Record for conducting the most television interviews in 24 hours.
Vantona made an audacious bid for a company eight times its size; Carrington Viyella, who by then were manufactures of garments, home furnishings, carpets and fabrics.
Seeing an opportunity, Beattie became involved in the 'audacious bid' to develop South African College into this new national university.
Take Worldcom's audacious bid for MCI.
With its audacious bid, Worldcom is trying to continue its record of rapid growth through acquisition.
Likewise, the Comcast Corporation's audacious $54 billion hostile bid for the Walt Disney Company seems to signal the beginning of a new cycle of merger mania.