The road to the Kentucky Derby often begins in the auction ring.
During two days in the auction ring, 187 horses were sold for $13.3 million for an average price of $71,406.
Meanwhile, Silver Charm was led into the auction ring.
Star Standard was highly sought after at the auction ring being the grandson of Secretariat.
Many chants are accompanied by the unique yelling of a ringman, who is an assistant to the auctioneer in the "auction ring".
He still can not compete with Stephens in the auction ring.
These Acts are aimed at preventing auction rings.
This auction ring depressed the prices obtained at auction and so the trade became unprofitable.
The annual auction draws thousands to the town and shuts down streets for auction rings.
They won the race, got the Horse of the Year trophy, and sent her through an auction ring for nearly $6 million.