Part of all auction proceeds of the statues go to charity.
As the auction proceeds, sometimes for three hours, young people (average age 31) counsel the bidders by telephone.
Tickets cost $150; contributions and auction proceeds increased the net take to what one fully staged production might cost, by Ms. Pope's calculations.
The auction proceeds were used for artists' scholarships and for permanent, bronze statues of the Peanuts characters.
The auction proceeds, estimated at $15 billion, would aid the effort to balance the Federal budget.
The auction proceeds are not expected to make much of a dent in Lernout's debt of a half-billion dollars.
The auction proceeds made up about 60 percent of the contribution; the rest came from employees who bought nothing but contributed anyway.
The basic idea is "incentive auctions" in which broadcasters who give up their licenses get a share of the consequent auction proceeds.
The auction proceeds were 13 tonnes of gold, and this helped to convince the Dutch government to engage in the Asian trade.
But, he said, the defendants turned to crime, including stealing cash and lying to companies and creditors about auction proceeds.
The auction proceeded briskly to three no-trump, and West led a spade, his partner's suit.
The auction proceeded rapidly that way for the first eight and a half rounds, at which point the high bid was $159 million.
The first 12 apartments were offered on an absolute basis, and the sponsor, satisfied with the prices, gradually offered the rest that was as the auction proceeded.
The auction for spectrum in 800 MHz band proceeded as planned on 11 March.
Despite the upheaval in the oil and financial markets, Mr. Kiriyenko was determined that the auction should proceed.
The Cubs own the ball from Sosa's 61st home run and say they will donate the auction proceeds to Sosa's foundation.
The unconventional auction could still proceed this week or early next week.
The auction proceeded.
The auction starts with the dealer and proceeds clockwise with each player, having first evaluated their hand, making a call in order.
Ms. Bond of Sotheby's said the auction would proceed as planned.