Unstan is an atypical example of the Orkney-Cromarty chambered cairn in several respects.
Synesthesia provides some atypical but illuminating examples of subjective color experience triggered by input that is not even light, such as sounds or shapes.
An atypical example is given by the β-adrenergic autoreceptor in the sympathetic peripheral nervous system, which acts to increase transmitter release.
The health unions may respond by claiming that Lansley is using atypical examples.
Regrettably this is not an atypical example.
An atypical example of the sage practitioners of yore, you say.
The most elaborate kas is an atypical example made in the Netherlands for a New York client.
Secondly that he takes evidence out of context, confuses prescription with practice, and uses atypical examples.
For those who like to cite teachers' long vacations and short days as perquisites, I offer my work habits as a not atypical example.
These are not atypical examples; stuff like this abounds.