A sudden death, undoubtedly attributable to spirit influence, was that of Olive T.,** well known motion picture actress.
Assessment of deaths attributable to air pollution: should we use risk estimates based on time series or on cohort studies?
Including the death of a 26-year-old Setif man, the number of deaths attributable to the virus in Algeria is 10.
The General Accounting Office agreed that "the number of civilian deaths attributable to political violence has declined markedly."
It is suspected that some deaths attributable to the heat wave occurred.
In 2000, this country of roughly 80 million people recorded only 352 deaths attributable to firearms.
Should Chinese women start smoking at a comparable rate, the number of deaths attributable to lung cancer and emphysema will be staggering.
But with state and local officials still gathering data, the total number of deaths attributable to the cold and storms remains uncertain.
Due to its clandestine nature, the precise number of deaths directly attributable to Operation Condor is highly disputed.
Green activists give out the figure of 93,000 for deaths attributable to the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986.