The lives of three married couples in suburban Connecticut are turned upside down by the arrival of an attractive young widow.
Nada, an attractive young widow who comes from a strict family, works as a seamstress in a factory.
An attractive widow with a child is quite another thing... It is a complication from which most men would shy.
A small and attractive widow in her thirties she was also intelligent and well read.
The child's mother, Amy, is an attractive widow and Key develops an immediate interest in her.
Within a year, she becomes a widow, one of the youngest attractive widows in the world.
Such an attractive young widow would normally have been a hot property in the county, but she kept to herself.
On an afternoon some weeks after Greta's attack Margaret sat having tea with the attractive widow in the living room.
She understood he was spending a great deal of his time with the attractive widow, Clare Blandish.
The attractive widow had now been missing for several hours.