With no time for men, the effect an attractive stranger has on her at her sister's wedding is unnerving.
The child's conception takes place when Valerie, a nurse, is seduced by an attractive stranger (the angel Danyael) who she hit with her car.
To her anger, Roy is traveling with an attractive stranger, Helen Chester.
Get your skates on for the chance to "bump" into attractive strangers on the ice rink.
Slavish catering to physically attractive strangers is among the worst.
There you sit on the subway, surreptitiously eyeing some attractive stranger, with no way of knowing if that person is single, sane, straight or solvent.
The other woman recognized that Rhys must have been drunk or nearly so when he invited the attractive young stranger to his office.
She had been nervous but stimulated in the presence of this attractive stranger.
Earlier she had been a moderately attractive stranger.