With the growth of tourism in the early 1940s, Blue Sea quickly became an attractive destination, which it has remained today.
This goes some way toward explaining why Idaho is suddenly one of the most attractive destinations for whites in flight.
I also try to create attractive destinations that adhere to the principles of sustainable development and sound environmental practice.
School districts that have long been attractive destinations for Japanese families are beginning to sense the change as well.
Virginia was an attractive destination because the presence of the older colony might offer better security and trade opportunities.
A fine beach and warm water make it an attractive outing destination in the summer.
He guided the largely agricultural province into an attractive destination for foreign direct investment.
Singapore is an attractive destination due to its high living standards and wages.
It is absolutely clear that Europe is still the most attractive destination for tourists from all over the world.
The country is an extremely attractive destination for European tourists, yet it also has problems to contend with.