Furthermore, Vkhutemas attracted the interest and several visits from the director of the Museum of Modern Art, Alfred Barr.
Because of its cultural significance, the Daming Lake has attracted visits by artists, scholar, and political figures over the centuries.
The mountain offers beautiful landscapes, attracting touristic visits all the year.
Considered a bellwether or swing riding, the area tends to attract frequent visits by party leaders during elections.
Artists of various races are staking out studio space, and there are enough hip galleries to attract visits from Park Avenue collectors in chauffeured cars.
The school attracted visits from prominent artists, writers, philosophers and politicians, especially from 1995 onwards with Alexander Lukashenko as president.
The German-English immersion program has attracted visits from members of the German Parliament.
It is noted for its library, which attracts visits from many other schools.
Over the years the conference has attracted visits from presidential candidates, debates between Republican primary candidates, and discussions of wider political and social issues.
Ms. Girotto hopes that a planned rooftop video cafe will appeal to local residents and attract repeated visits.