The village has attracted vacationers since the late 19th century.
Hotels around the country are trying to attract vacationers by taking a smaller slice of their budgets.
The cruise line attracted both vacationers and vintage ship fans from around the world.
The ancient beautiful town, one of the old revolutionary base areas, attracts foreign vacationers and investors.
It attracted vacationers from as far away as New York and Philadelphia.
The greater Boston area is home to 4.5 million people and it attracts students, workers, business people, vacationers and artists from across the world.
The town grew, attracting retirees and vacationers who contributed to a peak summer population of 205 in 1961.
They are considered one of the most beautiful natural places in the country, and attract many Libyan visitors and vacationers.
The rugged coast and wooded hills could attract vacationers if there were easier ways to get here.
In summer, coastal cities such as Ostend took over and attracted vacationers in search of the 'blue notes'.