That could drive away domestic investors while attracting unwanted foreign speculators.
The when-issued period often attracts speculators who trade larger amounts than normally, when payment in full is required on the next business day.
The two commodities that attract the most investor attention - and indeed speculators - are oil and gold.
This surge in demand attracted speculators who bought rental properties with the specific purpose of conversion.
Newark has become something of a frontier, attracting speculators lured by cheap land and a willing government.
Internet addresses can be valuable enough to attract speculators because most choice names within existing top-level domains are already claimed.
This led to the development of this area, which attracted speculators and some local industries.
A stronger dollar generally tends to attract speculators from other investments, including precious metals.
Those levels typically attract speculators who sell stocks and buy futures to lock in a profit.
The land was sold at auction in Sydney and attracted speculators, many of whom would never see the land they purchased.