The siege camp soon took on the character of a fair, attracting numerous onlookers and their families.
Gehry's building is already attracting curious onlookers, though some complain that this California maverick hasn't given them something more in keeping with their image of the Wild West.
The trip attracted onlookers far more diverse than the already polyglot hordes that normally come to Elvis Presley Boulevard.
Everywhere she went, she attracted attentive onlookers.
The supermarket attracted both customers and onlookers, who came by tour buses to see the structure.
In interviews yesterday, residents of the area said the presence of an ambulance and police cars after the shooting had attracted several onlookers, one of whom took the bike.
Their presence disrupted normal shopping and attracted onlookers.
He had many funny lines to attract onlookers.
She'd attracted several onlookers and didn't seem to mind.
Early powered flight was a novelty that inevitably attracted onlookers, as in this circa 1910 scene of a graceful Golden Flyer.