Difficulties in attracting local labour reflect the low pay, the seasonal or casual nature of employment and the poor work environment compared with office or supermarket jobs.
In others, they have done it because they have felt they have had to: perhaps they would have failed to attract and keep labour if the jobs had been too fragmented.
Pollution is dramatically harming not only the health of citizens of Macau but also its economy, particularly relating to the ability to attract skilled foreign labour.
For capital, an alternative to migrating to cheap labour areas is to attract cheap, relatively disposable, migrant labour.
Some employers since the beginning of the nineteenth century had provided company housing, schools and other facilities either from philanthropic motives or in order to attract scarce labour.
They therefore attracted labour without any hindrance, providing jerry-built, damp and insanitary hovels for letting to local farm workers.
Land was plentiful while labour to clear and work the land was scarce; lords who owned the land found new ways to attract and keep labour.
In short, here was an offer, in terms of location, that could guarantee a rapid start to the agency in an area easily able to attract qualified labour.
I think we must find ways of attracting highly skilled labour, but at the same time we must also prevent the 'brain drain' from developing countries.
At first, the factory had difficulty in attracting suitable labour, such that large numbers of women, youths and untrained men had to be taken on.