The game, along with Wii Fit, has been cited as attracting more casual, female, and elderly gamers.
But Linux's speed is attracting teen-age gamers who play Doom on the Net.
Named for the dice used in many role-playing games, a Williamsburg, Brooklyn, shop attracts gamers in search of a community.
For one the game was meant to attract gamers who were fans of Halo, but also sufficiently different enough.
Will video game oldies attract gamers the way reruns of "Seinfeld" attract couch potatoes?
However, TwitchTV is looking to expand their viewers, including attracting more female gamers.
Sony may have a harder time attracting online games and gamers in the future, and that's the real damage here.
In other cases, Mplayer arranged deals with developers to attract gamers with demos of popular games such as Quake and Unreal.
SNK developed KOF '94 with the initial idea of using several games from the company in order to attract gamers who played these games.
It was better known for its explosive and ground thumping sound, usually placed near the front of the arcade to attract gamers.