The Carnival takes place every year, attracting a large number of people from other cities and states of Rondônia neighbors.
Some of the nearby villages like Imamzadeh Ebrahim have mountainous landscape which attract people from other cities on holidays.
He has attracted more money from several heavily Democratic cities, like Chicago, Washington and Philadelphia, than his Republican opponent.
It had an illustrious faculty and high standards, and attracted the best students from Washington and other cities in the South.
Because people are free to move, such a plan would attract uninsured people with chronic conditions from surrounding cities, substantially raising the program's cost.
Bormio retains its unique medieval town centre, attracting many tourists, mainly Italian, from Milan and other cities.
Rodeos held in Cachoeirinha attract people from various cities of Brazil.
As a business capital, it attracts thousands of foreign expats and exiles from other German cities who have come here to work.
The city attracts people from other big cities to buy local fashion wears, as they are cheaper than branded items.
Its opening attracted many people from Belgrade and other larger cities.